The Spidermonkeys exploded into a shrieking mass of orange on the Saturday ride. 17 monkeys embarked on new route through Fort Sheridan. With the addition of more new potholes on our route, we have been keeping the group neutral until Tower road. Believe me, neutral does not mean slow…but controlled and safe.
Great work by all our leaders, co-leaders and leaders in training. Thanks to all who came to the leaders meeting on Tuesday. Ride leading is the backbone of Spidermonkey Cycling. It is your willingness to lead a ride that supports and promotes our primary purpose: bike riding. If you are interested in becoming a ride leader, please let us know.
We are off to a very successful start to our Wednesday rides. Although it has been a little too cold for JJPeppers…it hasn’t stopped us from partaking in the parking lot of fun. And the Sunday ride proved what we all suspected…it’s fast! Drew set the pace high and we all followed suit.
As of today we have already raised over $6000.00 for MS! Congrats on the great work Spidermonkeys! We will easily reach our goal of $10,000.00.
The Spidermonkey “womens” ride is also seeing a growing number of riders. 10 women on the ride this morning! Seems a man infiltrated their paceline on this mornings ride, but had to get back early because he didn’t want to miss the Oprah show.
- Spidermonkey Triathon Clinic with Geoff Scott Montrose Harbor this Sunday at 1:30 pm
- Monsters of the Midway Criterium
- June 5th Season opener bbq #4
- Dock party Wed. May 11
- Safety Clinic June 18th 8:00am!!!!!
team in Beaverton Oregon. I started out on the road but quickly began entering
every type of race that I could find. This included everything on the track and
cyclocross in the winter. To this day some of my most vivid memories are from
those years. I remember motor-pacing through the suburbs of Portland, and
competing in six day races at Alpenrose velodrome. The track had 43 degree
banking which made Match Sprinting more like riding a half-pipe. I had some
success, I won a State Championship Criterium and competed at Nationals one
year, but sadly I let the sport go when I headed off to college. Two years ago
Little V. told me about a local group ride and asked me if I wanted to join. It
was the Spidermonkey Saturday morning ride. After the first ride I knew I was
hooked again. The members were awesome and encouraging. My passion for cycling
was rekindled after a 17 year hiatus. All of those experiences from my youth
were suddenly alive again. I love to ride and talk about bikes. Spidermonkey
Cycling has given me the opportunity to relive some of my fondest moments and
for that I’m very grateful.
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