Saturday was our last home game at Wildcat Alley this season.  15 Spidermonkeys came to pour 312 and celebrate an amazing season (Josh even made an appearance…see photo).  We rec’d a record breaking amount in tips and will be donating all of our tips to the MS Society.  We are on our way of reaching our 2011 goal of $10,000 with a $1000.00 donation from our Wildcat Alley tips.  Thank you to everyone who volunteered this season and a huge thank you to Ryan, Carlos & Goose Island for this opportunity! Everyone had a blast!

A Great Cross duo weekend at the Indian Lakes Resort. What a difference 24 hours can make. From upper 50′s and rain on Saturday to lower 40′s and wind and sun (and more wind) on Sunday… a true cyclocross weekend.  The sand pit saw lots of (heckling) action!  Congrats to Drew for an 8th place finish!  Congrats to all the Spidermonkeys who completed/competed this weekend…Monica (best race #), Kristi, Katie, Lil’ V, Dan, Drew, Matt R, Peter, Ken, Geoff and Michael Meyer!  It was a blast to watch you suffer!

Coming up:
– Try on size kits at Roscoe Village Bikes and order your 2011 Spidermonkey kits!  If you don’t have the      Voler link, contact Dean
– VQ Thursday
– Penultimate race of the CCC series, the Northbrook Swansong hosted by the Northbrook Garner Bicycle Cluband Flatlandia.

Spidermonkey of the Week: Stewart Chapman  

I’m not a natural athlete.  I’m a late comer to exercise and fitness.  In fact, I’m naturally lazy.   I started running several years ago to keep weight off since I stopped being able to eat whatever I wanted (cruelty of aging).  I’m not fast (surprise!) so went long and ran a bunch of marathons, even getting Josh to do one with me.  I need a group exercise experience (because of the lazy problem) and I wasn’t finding running groups that I clicked with.  Josh’s first year with the Monkeys was also the year that I was burned out and not having any fun.  So he started a series of relentless “it’s better on the bike” talks.  I’m not entirely sure how I wound up leaving Higher Gear on Fullerton with a road bike but Josh was clearly happier on the bike, so maybe it was better. 
While Josh had a clear goal of getting me into orange, I wasn’t sure if I could do it. 
Last summer I started going on the Saturday group rides and it wasn’t that much fun.  Character building, good for me, potential for fun, yes.  Actually fun?  Not so much.  But this is where the  Spidermonkey ride is like magic.  Everyone is so happy to be there and so supportive and so nice that it keeps you coming back even if it’s more than you can handle at that precise moment.  And they’re like that at every stage.  I get overwhelmed when I think about the support and the love of the group.  So much of it and so freely given, it has made me nicer even when I’m not riding. And it has turned into a ton of fun! Better than I dreamed. I have a lot of work to do so that Rebecca doesn’t have to wait for me every single week, but I’m really looking forward to it!
Kaaaa Kaaawwwww.