3:30 – 7 or 8pm
Practices begin on the east side of Cricket Hill at Montrose Beach.
The location may change mid-season to a lighted area when we lose daylight. So check back for updates.
These will be full on course riding, including continuous riding 15-20 minutes, then move into a hot lap format doing 3 to 6 lap mock races. We will focus on duplicating weekly course challenges and improving handling skills with simulated racing. Verbal race reports for coming weekends and tips to help riders get faster will be provided. But the goal is to complete CX workouts that push you to similar limits that you would experience in races.
The course will be open to all, but the focus will be on helping juniors.
Jump in at any time. There will be a bunch of mini races with breaks in between.
Don’t worry if you can’t make it right at 5.
A few people expressed interest in practicing, but not racing. All are welcome to these practices. If you come on a road bike, we recommend gym shoes instead of road cleats. Mountain bikes are totally welcome.
We are using a public space. Please respect the park and the people in it.
A big thank you to PJ Cavoto for organizing and running these practices!